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The Meaning Crisis and Career Experimentation

During the industrial revolution, work was tough yet fulfilling. Laborers were architects of the modern world, physically building the infrastructure around them, giving them a sense of contributing to something greater than themselves.

Fast forward to today: the outcomes of jobs are now indirect and several steps removed. Instead of building the world brick by brick, the workforce makes financial models line by line in Excel.

As the direct effects of work become less visible, we must collectively redefine the purpose of a ‘job’, transforming it into an avenue for self-actualization — a way to personally grow, create, express oneself, and leave a mark on the world that deeply aligns with who we are. Despite this, many jobs don’t allow for such self-expression, leading to a pervasive sense of meaninglessness in work.

Gen Z is particularly dissatisfied — 70% of new graduates leave their first job within two years. And who can blame them? Universities prepare students to become cogs in the industrial machine, rather than guiding them towards paths of fulfillment.

So, given this, how do you then choose the right career path? Find your ikigai (生き甲斐), a Japanese concept meaning ‘reason for being’:

When you align your work with your ikigai, not only do you find joy in what you do, but you also excel at it:

We help you find your ikigai in two ways.

Firstly, through career experimentation. Startups allow you to make a significant individual impact on a space you care deeply about and experience rapid personal growth. But, you can’t know which role you’re good at or enjoy until you try it. We let you test out different paths before you commit to a path.

Second, we help you step back from your usual environment, slow down, and give you time to look inward. Discover what truly drives you, what you’re curious about, find your purpose and align your work with what genuinely matters to you. We do this through a variety of introspective exercises: journaling, time in nature, guided questions, meditation, and—optionally—psychedelics.

“He who has a why to live for can bear almost any how.”

Friedrich Nietzsche

“Your work is going to fill a large part of your life, and the only way to be truly satisfied is to do what you believe is great work. And the only way to do great work is to love what you do.”

Steve Jobs

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